With Schwab Charitable, it's easy to keep track of your clients' giving. All the records you need are online in Schwab Advisor Center, and accessible anytime, including tax season.
After logging in to Schwab Advisor Center and going to the client's Schwab Charitable account, you can find contribution and grant histories under Transactions. Within Grant History, you can check the status of a grant. You can also see if a grant check to a charity has cleared, and you can view a copy of the grant award letter.
Want to analyze a client's grants? In Grant History, use the Export function.
Contribution History provides important insights during tax season, plus contribution letters, with receipts that can be helpful for tax purposes.
Under the Documents tab, you will find quarterly statements and annual account summary letters. Annual account summary letters are issued after year-end, and are consolidated statements of all grant and contribution activity for the past year.
You can also view the account balance through the Balances tab, and the accounts positions through the Positions tab. In addition, the Profiles tab has account information, such as the account special name, your role as an advisor, and an account succession plan.
If you have any questions, just ask. We are here to help.